First some rants… not to do with me really, but public transport… in this one bus trip, the bus driver managed to completely drive by two bus stops with passengers waiting. Just because the bus stop area is full with other buses, does not mean there are no passengers! And just because you let passengers off before the bus stop whilst waiting in the traffic (which most bus drivers will not do because of liability issues), doesn’t exactly mean you don’t have to stop either for those actually at the bus stop. Issue compounded worse, that this bus goes past a specific location that the other buses do not. So what do these poor people have to do? Wait another half an hour. I guess my point of my rant here is, if everyone’s promoting public transport, maybe those at the face of the public transport (i.e. the ones who deal with the public on a day to day basis), might what to provide a better service? or at least once which doesn’t involve driving past paying passengers… Now you’re probably going which bus company, which bus route? But I’ll leave that up to your imaginations… keeping things anonymous is better for a number of reasons…

Now for today’s random ramble… two pigeons chasing each other around a cylindrical column. Made me smile…